Sunday, October 30, 2011


This morning when I was brushing my teeth before church the water starting coming out very slowly. I thought to myself, the water must be out, I'll get some drinking water to finish brushing my teeth and it will hopefully be back on sometime in the afternoon.

Upon returning from church this note was on the board (please note is wan't translated until late evening)
Well, it must be a bigger deal than I originally thought, and something is going on, but I'll survive.

Fast forward to around 9:00 in the evening. Still no water, no timeline for when we will have water, so...a water truck arrives on campus! The following pictures are a few snapshots of what happens when a campus full of people (thankfully most of our students are home already) need to get water.

So, we now have containers full of water to use for important things like flushing the toilet and a pretty awesome story to tell about that one time when the whole campus was out of water and everyone was going crazy wanting to get water and it was cold and we got wet and oh yeah, it was a crazy adventure. Now its time to see how long it will last...

Sunday Snapshot


  1. sometimes you have to go with the flow

  2. get that -- it was a pun -- flow

  3. Oh my goodness. That is crazy. I hope the water is back on soon!
