Thursday, October 23, 2014

Two Hands

"Just marvel at the good two hands can bring the world." -Hannah Brencher

Two hands. We all (well the vast majority of us) have two hands. Just two hands. I don't know how many times two hand have seemed so ineffective for the task at hands. Moms want more hands to do chores and care for their children. Teachers want more than two hands to grade papers and write lessons plans. Students want more than two hands to do homework and take notes. Yet, no matter what you do, you are still left with just two hands.

That leads to the question of what you are going to do with those two hands. How are YOU going to choose to use them?

We are limited by our two hands. We can only carry in so many groceries from the car (even though I'll always try to carry more!) We can usually only do one task, be it writing or cooking, at the same time. And on top of that we only have on dominate hand, making it more difficult to so many tasks (fingernail paining I'm looking at you!)

It's so easy to be focused on the limitations that are placed on us. The limitations that make life harder or more inconvenient.

But what can you do with just two hands?

You can hold an orphaned child and rock them to sleep
You can make a pot of soup for the mother who struggles to feed her children
You can write a letter of encouragement to a friend
You can share your story with the world
You can cook dinner for your family
You can study the Bible
You can paint a homeless shelter or help build a habitat house
You can read to your little brother or sister
You can hug your mother or father
You can plant flowers to make others smile

With just two hands you can make a difference.

Yes, two hands are a limitation, but they are a beautiful limitation, because they allow us to focus on the task at hand.

Two by Two two hands can change the world

How will you use your two hands? Let me know in the comments!

#fireworkpeople is a beautiful community of people who are using their two hands to change the world! we would LOVE to have you join us!


  1. Such an inspiration! We seem to always focus on what we can't do, and it keeps us from getting anything done!

  2. Inspiring words! It's so true: we can do so much with just two hands! Best to think about what we CAN do instead of what we CANNOT. :)
